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Upgrading Airbyte

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Airbyte Cloud users always run on the newest Airbyte version automatically. This documentation only applies to users deploying our self-managed version.


This document explains how to determine if you need to upgrade your Airbyte instance as well as how to proceed with an upgrade when needed.

Note that upgrades require temporarily turning off Airbyte.

During upgrades, Airbyte will attempt to upgrade some connector versions. The following rules determine which connectors may be automatically upgraded: 1. if a connector is not used, it will be upgraded to the latest version 2. if a connector is used, it will NOT be upgraded to avoid disrupting working workflows. If you want to upgrade a specific connector, do so in the settings page in the webapp.

If you need help from our team for your upgrades, we offer premium support to our open-source users, talk to our team to get access to it.

Determining if you need to Upgrade

Airbyte intelligently performs upgrades automatically based on the version defined in your .env file and will handle data migration for you.

If you are running Airbyte on Kubernetes, you will need to use one of the two processes defined here that differ based on your Airbyte version.

Mandatory Intermediate Upgrade

If your current version of airbyte is < v0.32.0-alpha-patch-1, you first need to upgrade to this version before upgrading to any later version.

The reason for this is that there are breaking changes made in v0.32.0-alpha-patch-1, and the logic for these changes is removed in later versions, making it impossible to upgrade directly. To upgrade to v0.32.0-alpha-patch-1, follow the steps in the following sections, but replace the docker pull or wget commands with the following:

  1. If you are in a cloned Airbyte repo, v0.32.0-alpha-patch-1 can be pulled from GitHub with

    git checkout v0.32.0-alpha-patch-1
  2. If you are running Airbyte from downloaded docker-compose.yaml and .env files without a GitHub repo, run wget -N{.env,flags.yml,docker-compose.yaml} to pull this version and overwrite both files.

If you use custom connectors, this upgrade requires all of your connector specs to be retrievable from the node running Airbyte, or Airbyte will fail on startup. If the specs are not retrievable, you need to fix this before proceeding. Alternatively, you could delete the custom connector definitions from Airbyte upon upgrade by setting the VERSION_0_32_0_FORCE_UPGRADE environment variable to true. This will cause the server to delete any connectors for which specs cannot be retrieved, as well as any connections built on top of them.

Upgrading on Docker


Airbyte version 0.40.27 or later requires Docker Compose V2 to be installed before upgrading.

  1. In a terminal, on the host where Airbyte is running, turn off Airbyte.

    docker compose down
  2. Upgrade the Airbyte instance in Docker to a new version.

    1. If you are running Airbyte from a cloned version of the Airbyte GitHub repo and want to use the current most recent stable version, just git pull.

    2. If you are running Airbyte from downloaded docker-compose.yaml and .env files without a GitHub repo, run wget to download the installation script.

  3. Remove previous local docker-compose.yaml and .env

    ./ -r
  4. Bring Airbyte back online, optionally with the -b flag to run the containers in the background (Docker detached mode).

    ./ -b

Resetting your Configuration

If you did not start Airbyte from the root of the Airbyte monorepo, you may run into issues where existing orphaned Airbyte configurations will prevent you from upgrading with the automatic process. To fix this, we will need to globally remove these lost Airbyte configurations. You can do this with docker volume rm $(docker volume ls -q | grep airbyte).


This will completely reset your Airbyte deployment. You will lose all data.

Upgrading on K8s using Helm

The instructions below are for users who have a custom deployment and values.yaml file. If you're not using a values.yaml file to deploy Airbyte using Helm, you can jump directly to step 4.

  1. Access Airbyte ArtifactHub and select the version you want to upgrade.

  2. You can click in Default Values and compare the value file between the new version and version you're running. You can run helm list -n <NAMESPACE> to check the CHART version you're using.

  3. Update your values.yaml file if necessary.

  4. Upgrade the Helm app running:

    helm upgrade --install <RELEASE-NAME> airbyte/airbyte --values <VALUE.YAML> --version <HELM-APP-VERSION>

    After 2-5 minutes, Helm will print a message showing how to port-forward Airbyte. This may take longer on Kubernetes clusters with slow internet connections. In general the message is the following:

    export POD_NAME=$(kubectl get pods -l "" -o jsonpath="{.items[0]}")
    export CONTAINER_PORT=$(kubectl get pod $POD_NAME -o jsonpath="{.spec.containers[0].ports[0].containerPort}")
    echo "Visit to use your application"
    kubectl port-forward $POD_NAME 8080:$CONTAINER_PORT